HBI Global Partners is Helping Unreached People Groups In India
HBI Global Partners is a Christian organization dedicated to helping at-risk children in India. There are over 400 million children in India under the age of fifteen. Many of these children come from impoverished areas where the risk of hard labor, trafficking, and poverty prays upon future generations. HBI Global Partners has created strategies to reach these children and to remove them from the streets where they are looked at as prey.
Some of the strategies that HBI Global Partners utilize for at-risk children are day schools, child development centers, and regional drop-in centers. They provide education to the children, as well as giving them a place to go during the day when they would otherwise be wandering the streets. It is through these centers that Christ is introduced to the children through teaching and love.
Areas of Focus
HBI Global Partners was founded by Dr. Paul Gupta in 1952. Dr. Gupta was from India and had a vision of reaching India for Christ. His son, Bobby, now carries on the legacy as director of HBI Global Partners. This organization has supporters all over the world committed to seeing the Great Commission completed in India.
HBI seeks to share the good news of Christ through loving others and building relationships. A large part of what they do is simply go out into communities and provide help and care for those who need it. India has a large number of people groups who have never heard the Good News. HBI Global Partners showing people the True Gospel in India.
They have some core strategies that have been used to reach others, teach and train nationals, and care for the communities that they are in. Here is a list of their main strategies:
- Church Planting
- Crisis Relief
- At-Risk Children Outreach
- Leadership Development
- Health & Wellness Camps
- Reaching Unreached People Groups In India
If you are interested in finding out more about what HBI Global Partners is doing to share the Good News, contact them today.
Business Information
HBI Global Partners
P.O. Box 3037 Broken Arrow, OK 74013
(877) 424-4634
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